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HK VFC 14 25 300

Hubbegrenzungsventil G 1/4", 25l/min, T
Schroefdraad A + B
G 1/4″ -19 
Volumestroom max.
25 l/min
p. max (bar)
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Productdetails over

HK VFC 14 25 300

Schroefdraad A + B
G 1/4″ -19
Volumestroom max.
25 l/min
p. max (bar)
16 mm
50 mm
7,5 mm
Alle eigenschappen


  • Stroke limitations of hydraulic cylinders or series connections of actuators 
  • normally closed 
  • single blocking 
  • Actuation via push-button 
  • max. stroke 4.9 mm 
  • 84818079 


The valve is used to open the oil flow in a hydraulic circuit.
In the basic position, the valve is closed from A to B via a non-return valve, the flow from B to A is possible. After actuating the slide valve, the oil flows freely from A to B or from B to A.


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Volumestroom max. (l/min)
p. max (bar)
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Schroefdraad A + B
Volumestroom max. (l/min)
p. max (bar)
H (mm)
L (mm)
L1 (mm)