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Öl-Bindeschlauch, weiß
8 cm x 120 cm 
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Productdetails over


8 cm x 120 cm


  • white 
  • petrol 
  • diesel 
  • solvents 
  • oil 
  • Petroleum 
Customs tariff number
  • 63079099 


Hydrophobic, absorbs hydrocarbon-based liquids, water-repellent.
Aanvullende informatie
The snake-shaped design of the hose is ideal for contains leaks.
Perfect for absorbing liquids from faulty system or containers.
It is suitable for an unlimited number of applications, even in difficult to reach areas, as you can easily change its shape to fit your requirements thanks to the extremely flexible casing.
Indispensable aid for repair and maintenance work.
The hose has an especially good absorption capacity thanks to its special polypropylene filling. Once liquids have been absorbed they are reliably bound in the hose and can be disposed of easily.
Its hydrophobic design means that it absorbs oil or hydrogen-based liquids while repelling water.
The tube is still buoyant in water even in a saturated state.
The tube is also ideal for use outside, even in the rain, due to its water-resistant design.
Reliably absorbs, for example, motor oil, diesel, heating oil, cutting oil, plant oil, oil-based solvents and much more.


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